Meet J.R. Taylor

J.R. Taylor has dedicated her life to advocating for her community, striving to make it a better place for everyone. Originally from Asheville, J.R.’s commitment to public service began in her youth, when she successfully advocated for simulation-based learning over dissection in her middle school, showcasing her early dedication to ethical considerations in education. Her advocacy continued into high school with a significant Title IX case that championed equal opportunities for women in sports, illustrating her lifelong commitment to fairness and rights for all.

A proud member of her Native American tribe, J.R. was honored to contribute to the revision of her tribe’s Constitution in 2022, ensuring it reflects modern values and principles. Her community engagement deepened when she became the first teen chair of Bele Chere, once the Southeast’s largest street festival, proving her ability to lead and unite diverse groups of people toward common goals.

J.R.’s intellectual pursuits also include her involvement with Mensa, a high-IQ society that provides a forum for intellectual exchange among its members. She initially became a member in Asheville, NC, and maintained her membership through the years. During her time in Mensa, she served as the LocSec (President) of the Western PA Mensa chapter (WPAM) for two years, leading it to become the most financially solvent and successful period in the chapter’s history.

In response to local concerns about safety and aesthetics in her first neighborhood, J.R. established a Neighborhood Watch program. This initiative not only improved local security but also enhanced community cohesion through grants that beautified the local park. Her academic journey in Criminal Justice Technology, pursued alongside her professional roles in sales and administration, equipped her with a robust understanding of law enforcement and community dynamics.

Appointed to the Selective Service System in 2014 and later to a Regional Appeals seat in 2022, J.R. honors the legacy of her late father, a Vietnam War veteran, by ensuring fairness and diligence in her duties. Her career is a testament to her resolve to scrutinize and improve policies to enhance community living standards. J.R.’s contributions to drafting municipal codes have resolved longstanding issues, making her a respected figure in policy reform.

Now pursuing a degree in Accounting, J.R. is focusing her expertise on enhancing fiscal policies and land management practices in Spartanburg County. She is a vocal advocate for responsible zoning laws, support for persons with disabilities, and environmental stewardship that seeks to balance growth with sustainability in the Upstate corridor.

J.R. Taylor lives in Inman along Lake Bowen with her two beloved rescue dogs. Her vision for her district is rooted in her unwavering commitment to serve and improve the lives of all her constituents, championing policies that foster economic, social, and environmental well-being.